Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy happy day!

Today has been a surprisingly good day. I'm not exactly sure why. It could be the fact that I know I've got two payments coming to me. One for the week and another for babysitting all night tonight. But... I had to buy gas. And apparently gas prices went up over night. So twenty dollars no longer gives me an almost-full tank but a not-that-close-to-three quaters tank. Ugh. I need a closer job.

Another reason for my good day could be that I had an ice cream cupcake. It was pretty darn delicious and I think it may have been from Cold Stone because it came in a Cold Stone bag..? But it was good.

However, I do not think the cupcake is the reason for the joyness. Might just be one of those days.

So I did not enroll for school yesterday. My mom wants to wait until Monday. That just means she has to deal with mine and my sister's enrollment in one day. =/ But I'm excited about the school year. Rep Theatre is going to be fun. Although, I'm not sure how it'll go with all the drama nerds in one class together... Could be dramatic!! Ahaha *snort*

Speaking of snorting, yesterday I went to the library and my new favorite section is the Non-Fiction. So I checked out some books about different kinds of careers. They explain what the job is, what kind of people would be good for it, and how to get the job. So I was going through those books today and I have pretty much decided that I am going to be an actor. I know many people say that, but I'm dead serious. I knew I'd love to do it ever since the zombie movie (see Mom's blog for full details). But now I know I'm gonna do it! So this is how I'm thinking it'll go:
I'm going to get a steady job (crossing my fingers for Starbucks), save all of my money, and after graduation I'm packing up my things, jumping in a car, and driving straight to L.A. where I will probably live in a crappy house and have a crappy job before you start seeing me on the big screen. But trust me, it's gonna happen.

So now I'm all excited about doing this big idea. I want to make enough money so that one day I'll be able to buy a stable full of giraffes. I'm not going to buy one, I just want to be able to.

But that's in another two years. I've got some time. Which is a good thing!

Well.. I'm off to do some research and stuff...
Adios, muchachos!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well, Hello There!

Alright. I'm officially blogging now. To be quite honest, I only started this so that I could comment on my best freind's blog. I don't actually have anything interesting to say. And I have no one to say it to, anyway.

I am babysitting right now (summer job) however, the child is fast asleep. He just got done throwing a fit about his Lego Indiana Jones game. So he went to bed.

I'm about ready for this babysitting thing to be over. It's easy money, but not a lot of money. Especially when you have to pay a traffic ticket. How frustrating.

I was doing well, I saved about half of the money I earned last week. I'm saving up to get new pet rats! But... It was late at night and I had decided to be a wonderful daughter and get some ice cream for my mother (and myself, of course) at Dillons. I get four small containers; two Extreme Moose Tracks, one Chocolate, and one Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It was going to be a good night. I pulled out of the Dillons driveway the exact same way everyone in the great state of Kansas does, but as I turn on to 31st street, there are these blue and red flashing lights behind me. Great. I pull to the side and receive my $96 ticket. I mean, are you serious?? A first-time offender at 10 o'clock at night when NO ONE was around and you're going to give me a ticket for $96? The officer was a nice lady but I couldn't help but think she was really mean.

Urgh. It delayed my rat-buying for another week at least. So, now I'm working late tomorrow, hoping that I will get paid more. I'm also applying for some jobs but I do not have many "professional references". That's frustrating.

I'm enrolling for school tonight. And I just realized that that means I will have to get my picture taken for my ID. No! Guess I'll have to go home and do my hair. I hope my schedule turns out ok. I'm determined to make this year the best ever! I'm going to work my butt off.

Well, time to let the child up. Even though he hates me and thinks I'm stupid.. Fun!

Hasta la vista!
